Happy News da ALT #2 – O seu boletim positivo!
Hello, guys! Bem-vindos a mais um Happy News. Nesta edição trazemos chamadas inspiradoras. Que tal fazer a diferença com atos solidários? Scroll down the page. Get heartened!
1. Project offers free food to people who are not able to pay
Willing to help people who have no ways to pay for food during the coronavirus pandemic, the project “Padaria do Amor” offers daily free food for those who need it. This action has been taking place in Goiânia since April 5th.
2. Uber gives free rides to blood donors
Supported by the blood centers from Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro, Fortaleza and Teresina, Uber will subsidize rides until R$ 30, 00 for blood donors. Using a specific promotional code, you can make blood donations with no worries about transportation costs.
Hypeness | MSN Notícias
That’s all folks! But stay tuned.
Nos vemos em breve com mais Happy News, o seu boletim positivo!
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