Teacher’s Day – Sugestões de 20 mensagens para você enviar ao seu teacher
O dia dos professores é uma data muito especial para os profissionais da área da educação e para os alunos. É um dia de celebração de um relacionamento profissional que tem por objetivo o desenvolvimento. Somos gratos pelos que nos ajudaram a chegar em um nível capaz de ler este texto. Mas há ainda aqueles que lembramos com carinho especial. Teachers que transbordam alegria quando percebem a evolução dos students. Uma data que permite expor nosso reconhecimento. Gratidão é um dos sentimentos mais nobres que a humanidade pode experimentar.
Quer expressar seu carinho e gratidão? A Alt pode ajudar com estas 20 sugestões para você mandar ou para inspirar a sua personalização, se preferir. In English, of course:
1 – I wish you joy and happiness, you are an incredible teacher!
2 – Happy Teacher’s Day! It has been an honor to be your student!
3 -All your hard work to bring us the best is just priceless! You’ve teached us not only the language but also values for life!
4 – Teacher, you have challenged me to work hard to achieve my goals. Thank you for everything!
5 – Thank you for believing in me! You’ve never given up teaching, explaining and helping. Happy Teacher’s Day!
6 – You are my inspiration, my number one teacher!
7 – You are wonderful and helpful. Thank you for being faithful to your mission as a teacher. I now see in my life the results of your committed work.
8 – Thanks for reinforcing the values of honesty, determination and passion just by being you. Happy Teacher’s Day!
9 – Thank you for teaching me to think and find the answers. It guides me throughout my life. Happy Teacher’s Day!
10 – From the verb “to be” to the advanced phrasal verbs, what happened between them was YOU! Happy Teacher’s Day!
11 – I am deeply grateful to be your student.
12 – Thank you for being an example for me since my childhood!
13 – You are a precious part of my life! Happy Teacher’s Day!
14 – Thank you for raising the bar and motivating me to never conform myself to stay at the same stage.
15 – You’re responsible for presenting me with many points of view of this world.
16 – Thank you for teaching me English, fun, and culture in a particular way that I’ll never forget.
17 – You made learning a pleasant activity for me. Happy Teacher’s Day!
18 – Thank you for showing me the right path to follow as a student.
19 – Your professionalism is amazing. Thank you for doing your best.
20 – Love you so much teacher! You’re special and your presence in the classroom means the world to me. Simply the best time of the day!
Escolha a sua frase!! Show some love to your teacher.